Commissioner Quiggle's Statement To the Board on March 17, 2008

Mr. Chairman and fellow board members:

On January 22, 2007 this board passed a resolution that called for the legislature to impose an additional 1 cent increase in the sales tax to meet the capital needs of the schools and Central Carolina Community College. Now this same board has backed away from the capital needs specifically for Lee County High School and a classroom building on the campus of Central Carolina Community College while asking voters to approve a ¼ cent sales tax for any and all capital needs of the county. I am troubled that, on February 18, 2008, I voted on the revised resolution specifically stripping any references for the renovation of Lee County Senior High School and the classroom building for the Community College—a resolution that was different from the resolution in our packets.

The removal of the those projects from the resolution in our packets by the finance committee has been taken by many as an indication that this board does not intend to fund those two projects. I have been asked by many in the community if this board truly supports the original request for a sales tax for the capital constructions needs for education and I cannot reassure them. The renovation of Lee County Senior High School was overwhelmingly supported by those speaking on behalf of the new ¼ cent sales tax during public comments at the previous two Commissioner’s meetings. Do we, as a board, not owe the public an unqualified position as to our intentions upon voter approval of the sales tax?

It is time for some straight talk. If we expect the to voters to entrust this board of commissioners with the borrowing capacity made possible by the ¼ cent increase in sales and use taxes, we have to be straight forward with the voters of this county about our plans. I challenge each of us to have the courage to stand up and declare our intentions today by announcing our support for the renovation of Lee County Senior High School and the classroom building for the Community College. The public is waiting to see if we have listened to them.